More than just software
We help manufacturers of commercial vehicles and truck bodies achieve their strategic goals with solutions that bridge marketing, engineering and sales.
Our marketing solutions engage customers with realistic interactive 3D visualization of custom-assembled products, from either one or multiple vendors.
We support engineers with data modeling tools for product configuration and software for solving widespread engineering problems such as automated feature recognition and assembly, packaging of 3D objects, and optimization of vehicle powertrain settings.
Our customer-facing solutions provide dealers and sales with a one-stop platform for visualizations of customer choices, product configuration, order management, and Bill of Materials generation. We automate the entire quote-to-build process of some of the most complex products in the market.

BYT is a complete environment for building trucks in 3D and request quotes to vendors. 3D visualization increases web traffic and conversion rates. Certusoft 3D rending has the same, or better, quality as artistic rendering, but at a much lower cost, while gaining speed of publication and flexibility. Digital assets are identical to physical parts and assemblies.

Certusoft solutions empower engineers in three areas: design intent, optimization.and automated assembly. Engineers can explore millions of possible scenarios free from the drudgery of manual CAD design and assembly. With search optimization, they apply physics-based algorithms to find optimal solutions to specific engineering problems.

Certusoft offers comprehensive Sales solutions, bridging Sales with Engineering, Finance and Logistics. Our Cloud Configure-Price-Quote (Cloud CPQ) System is unmatched in the industry. It is robust enough to handle extreme customization of complex products, resulting in greater customer satisfaction and increased profits.